Saline Board of Education

2024 Board of Education                      

Michael McVey, President
Jennifer Steben Vice President
Jenny Miller, Secretary
Brad Gerbe, Treasurer
Tim Austin, Trustee
Susan Estep, Trustee
Lauren Gold, Trustee

2024/25 Student Representatives
Tommy Allmand, SHS Class of 2025
Kate Sonnenday, SHS Class of 2025

Email the Board

Let's Talk to the Board


Assistant Superintendent of Finance
Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
Executive Director of Communications & Community Relations
Executive Director of Operations
Executive Director of Teaching and Learning
Executive Director of Special Education



The public may address the Board at their regular meetings during the two times indicated on the agenda using the following procedures:

Remarks by individuals are limited to three minutes. Individuals should state name and organization represented if applicable. During this time, the Board listens to comments from the public but does not engage in dialogue or render decisions.  Attendees must register their intention to participate in the public portion of the meeting upon their arrival at the meeting.

If a large group plans to attend, notification should be made to the Superintendent at least one (1) day prior to the meeting to assure seating for the group. They are requested to select up to five representatives to speak on their behalf for a total of not more than fifteen minutes.

Individuals addressing the Board shall abide by the rules of common courtesy. The meeting cannot be used to make personal attacks against a Board member or district employee which are totally unrelated to the manner in which the Board member or employee performs his duties.

An individual wishing to address the Board of Education and needing more than the three minutes, should make his/her request to the Superintendent at least 10 days before the regular meeting so that an appropriate length of time (no more than 15 minutes) may be indicated on the agenda.

Please see Board Policy 0167.3 "Public Participation at Board Meetings" for complete rules.

Public Comment Form - Students

Public Comment Form - Other Stakeholders



Minutes of Board meetings are available to the public for inspection eight business days after a meeting at the Board of Education Office. Approved minutes are available five business days after the meeting at which they were approved. Copies of the approved minutes shall also be available at the reasonable estimated cost for printing or copying.

Upon oral or written request for subscription and payment of a fee established by the Board, approved minutes shall be mailed to any person or business by First Class Mail. The subscription may be valid for up to six (6) months. For more information about minutes, call 734-401-4005.

Minutes Agendas


Often individual concerns can be handled if you begin at the source and follow proper channels before approaching members of the Board of Education. If your concern relates to procedures in the classroom, begin with the teacher and/or principal. Problems related to other services can best be dealt with by those department heads.

The Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent can provide additional help.

Finally, if these procedures do not resolve your concern or question, the Board of Education may be contacted. For information on this procedure, contact the Superintendent's office at 734-401-4005.


The Board of Education is an elected body that is responsible for creating, adopting, monitoring, evaluating, and revising policies which govern the school district and provide direction to the Superintendent. In addition to policy making, the Board of Education shall fulfill its role by:

  • Identifying shared values and creating a shared vision of the purpose of public education in the Saline Area School District
  • Engaging the ownership (Saline Area School District community residents) in an on-going dialogue to educate and gain a commitment to the shared vision.
  • Empowering the Superintendent to develop and implement strategies to realize the shared vision.
  • Ensuring all school district policies, procedures, and programs are continually assessed against the shared vision.
  • Hiring the Superintendent.
  • Annually appraising the Superintendent's performance, utilizing the MASB Evaluation Tool.
  • Annually appraising the collective performance of the Board.
  • Committing to self-development regarding educational issues.

Board members are paid $30 for regularly scheduled or special full board meetings they attend. Board members may also be reimbursed for expenses incurred for approved Board related activities.

The Saline Area Schools Board of Education welcomes you to attend its meetings. All meetings are open to the public so that citizens may have the benefit of hearing Board deliberations. All formal action by the Board of Education takes place during the public meetings. Executive (closed) sessions may be held to discuss personnel matters, the purchase or sale of property for competitive bidding, disputes involving court action, negotiations with employees and certain school security matters.

We encourage you to express your views on subjects related to our schools. Comments are welcome during the times designated on each regular Board agenda. A copy of the meeting agenda is available on an information counter near the entrance to the meeting room.

We appreciate your interest in the Saline Area Schools and hope that you will plan to attend meetings of the Board of Education. We believe participation by the community is essential to maintain excellent educational programs for the students of Saline.

The Saline Board of Education meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month except July, August and December. All regular meeting dates are published on our website. Any changes and special meetings are posted in the Board of Education office. Confirmation of meeting dates and times is available by calling 734-401-4005.

Live Stream Link Board Meeting Schedule(Regular & Special Meetings)