Starting in 2013 to sell her work, NANCY WISMAN learned to knit in 4-H Club in Dearborn at age of 10. Her inspiration comes from the unique yarns now available and the decorative accessories and specialty buttons that she happens upon in craft stores inspires a sweater.  “I love to knit. It is so relaxing and fulfilling to see a product develop before I know it. I can even knit while I watch TV,” relates Nancy.  Her product line includes sweaters, hats, mittens and more. Her best selling product is the sweater with a matching hat but she also has Michigan Christmas stockings which are a fan favorite, small snuggle blankets, hats and matching mittens. decorative pillows and throws.  Nancy has a faithful customer who comes from Ohio each year and is a doctor. She has custom ordered specialty cow sweaters for all her grandsons.